Navigating Wellbeing

Pastoral Care Wednesday, 01 May 2024

Helena College has embarked on a journey toward cultivating a flourishing community at our Senior School Campus in Glen Forrest. This new initiative will deliver wide-ranging and long-lasting benefits to students as the College introduces a brand-new student wellbeing program guided by the PERMAH framework.

The PERMAH framework, a unique acronym derived from Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, Accomplishment, and Health, encapsulates the essential elements that contribute to a fulfilling and purposeful life.

Peter Coombs, the College Principal, said, “Our wellbeing program is not about trying to get better grades, it’s not about introducing new clubs or activities, it’s not about keeping the school clean or introducing more rules that students need to follow. It’s about our students. About them building resilience and navigating the ups and downs of life.”

The program aims to help students be themselves and cultivate strong relationships with friends, family, and those who support them. These connections are a fundamental aspect of wellness and can significantly contribute to your happiness and sense of belonging.

Helena College continues to be a school where all students flourish, both academically and personally. These two things do go together. We know that students will perform better as learners when they enjoy coming to school and love learning. The key to this is having a positive mindset and wellness. The program is designed to empower each student with strategies for managing their wellness and being the best version of themselves.